
Flats economy class daily rent in Saint-Petersburg

On this page you can view the various options offered in St. Petersburg for daily rent and make a choice. If you are unable to find the right option, you can contact us at the numbers listed on the website, and we will find you an apartment from an additional database.

has video
One- room
The very center
Economy class
ul.Goncharnaya, 11A
Studio apartment on Goncharnaya street in the heart of the city
Subway: Pl. Vosstaniya ~350m
Beds: 2+1
Square: 18 m
from 2500 P
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has video
One- room
The very center
Economy class
ul.Dostoevskogo, 5
Inexpensive studio apartment on Dostoevsky Street in the very center of the city
Subway: Vladimirskaya ~160m
Beds: 2+2
Square: 40 m
from 2500 P
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has video
Three- rooms
Golden triangle
Economy class
Kirpichnyy per., 3
Two-bedroom economy class apartment in a chic location, in the «golden triangle» of the Northern capital!
Subway: Admiralteyskaya ~60m
Beds: 2+2+2+1+1+1+1+1
Square: 85 m
from 5000 P
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has video
Two- rooms
Not in center
Economy class
Yahtennaya ul., 6
Spacious one-bedroom apartment on Yakhtennaya street in the Primorsky district with a view of the Lakhta center
Subway: Begovaya ~720m
Beds: 2+2+1
Square: 65 m
from 3800 P
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has video
One- room
Economy class
3-ya Sovetskaya ul., 10
A small studio on 3rd Sovetskaya Street in the heart of the city
Subway: Pl. Vosstaniya ~440m
Beds: 2
Square: 13 m
from 2000 P
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has video
One- room
The very center
Economy class
Liteynyy pr., 32
Cozy studio in the very center of the city on Liteyny Prospekt
Subway: Chernyshevskaya ~800m
Beds: 1
Square: 20 m
from 2000 P
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has video
One- room
The very center
Economy class
Liteynyy pr., 32
A small studio for 1 person on Liteyny Prospekt in the very center of the city
Subway: Chernyshevskaya ~800m
Beds: 1
Square: 10 m
from 1800 P
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has video
One- room
The very center
Economy class
Sadovaya ul., 49
Studio with all amenities on Sadovaya street in the city center
Subway: Sadovaya ~420m
Beds: 2+1
Square: 17 m
from 2500 P
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has video
One- room
Economy class
Sredniy pr.V.O., 51
Inexpensive two-level studio on the Middle avenue of Vasilyevsky Island in the city center
Subway: Vasileostrov. ~400m
Beds: 2+2
Square: 16 m
from 1800 P
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has video
One- room
Economy class
3-ya Sovetskaya ul., 10
A small studio on 3rd Sovetskaya Street in the heart of the city
Subway: Pl. Vosstaniya ~440m
Beds: 2
Square: 13 m
from 2000 P
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has video
One- room
The very center
Economy class
Sadovaya ul., 49
Studio with all amenities on Sadovaya street
Subway: Sadovaya ~420m
Beds: 2+1+1
Square: 21 m
from 2500 P
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has video
One- room
The very center
Economy class
3-ya Sovetskaya ul., 10
A small studio on 3rd Sovetskaya Street in the heart of the city
Subway: Pl. Vosstaniya ~440m
Beds: 2
Square: 15 m
from 2000 P
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Comfort Levels
Metro Stations
Near train stations