
Rent an apartment for a week in St. Petersburg-a worthy alternative to the hotel

the Need to travel to another city on professional matters, or in order to get acquainted with the new city closer, puts before the traveler a lot of tasks, the main one where to live all the days of travel. More recently, the market for daily rent could not provide tourists with a wide choice. In fact, the person had the only way out-to stay in any of the hotel rooms.

The situation that is observed today is fundamentally different from the one that was two decades ago. Now short-term rental apartments of any level of comfort in its popularity can safely compete with the services of hotels. Apartments for a week in St. Petersburg can be rented even remotely, directly from your own home. You just need to explore the options for proposals on the websites of agencies involved in the rental of premises.

In addition to the standard information about the size of the apartment and the list of household appliances, which is in it, additional information about the infrastructure is indicated. Any of the proposed options is equipped with photos of rooms, pictures of the house and the area around it, panoramic shots of courtyards and streets that are nearby.

Once from the entire list of offers the choice is made in favor of one, you need to contact the Agency and book an apartment, if it is available at the time of arrival. The reservation is confirmed after payment of the Deposit, the amount of which is the cost of the night. If necessary, for an additional fee, a representative of the company through which the service is carried out, allowing you to rent an apartment in St. Petersburg for a week or other period of time, can meet your client at the station and take to the address where the temporary housing. Shuttle service very convenient service, especially the service like those who first time visiting the city.

You can rent a house as a short-term and rent an apartment for a month in St. Petersburg or more. It is worth considering that the price of such accommodation will be less, because such time periods are long-term lease. The relationship between the tenant and the landlord are documented. The lease agreement and the act in which presence and a condition of all home furnishings, the list of the household appliances which are in the apartment with indication of its serviceability are fixed are signed. This document is a kind of mutual insurance for the landlord and for those who rent it. The presence of this paper will help to avoid unpleasant situations in which the owners or tenants will begin to put forward mutual claims of damage, breakage or loss of any of the items that were in the apartment.

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