
Sphinxes on the University embankment

And, of course, telling about the University embankment, it is impossible to ignore the majestic figures of Sphinxes on the pier opposite the Academy of Arts. The pier in front of the Academy of Arts was built by the architect Konstantin Ton in 1932-34. and immediately on the granite monoliths on the pier were installed statues of Sphinxes. These figures of Sphinxes were found during excavations in Thebes, the ancient capital of Egypt.

Sphinxes-statues with the body of a lion and the face of a man. The length of these statues is 5 meters, weight 23 tons., the age is believed to be more than 3,000 years old. The face of the Sphinxes is the face of Pharaoh Amenhotep III, ruler of Egypt. Each of the Sphinxes has a large number of inscriptions. All of them were able to translate the famous Russian orientalist V. V. Struve. All the inscriptions are praises to king Amenhotep.

Also the composition with Sphinxes includes granite benches with 4 bronze griffins and bronze antique lamps. The Wharf was badly damaged during the war, the griffins were lost and restored only in 1959 during the restoration of the Wharf. The pier with Sphinxes is one of the most beautiful and romantic places in St. Petersburg.

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