
November holidays in St. Petersburg

The upcoming November holidays are the longest-so" developed " calendar that students will rest 9-10 days depending on the length of the school week. And in St. Petersburg are guests! Our Northern city can not please the sun in these November days, but a warm welcome awaits you always! These are the traditions of the city on the Neva.

This year in St. Petersburg the program of cultural events planned for the holidays and the period of celebration of the day of national unity is the most interesting. According to" Turstat " St. Petersburg topped the rating of the most interesting programs for the holidays. Enough impressions for adults and children. The largest event is the Festival of Light, which will be held near the CCM " Petersburg 3 and 4 November from 20-00 to 23-30. This is a Grand multimedia show in 3D, laser and light show. You can also get to the St. Petersburg restaurant festival, which will be held from 1 to 30 November and is dedicated this time to the diverse cuisines of the world presented in St. Petersburg. And, of course, traditional entertainment - visiting numerous museums, including children's, tours of the city and the surrounding suburbs, river trips, concert and theatrical performances, themed performances.

Transport during the holidays will operate in a special mode, providing comfort in movement. The number of trains arriving in the Northern capital will increase. Additional resources of urban transport will be connected. During the holidays, night buses will run around the city.

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