Apartments for daily rent in Petrogradsky district
Petrogradsky district of St. Petersburg is one of the 4 Central districts of the city. An interesting historical center, a prestigious part of it. If you want to visit the origins of St. Petersburg or you need to settle in this area, daily rent an apartment in the Petrogradsky district of St. Petersburg - the best option for living.
Petrogradsky district is bordered by two districts of the center-Central and Vasileostrovsky and two non-Central districts - Primorsky and Vyborg. It is located on 7 Islands connected by 15 bridges. It is washed by the Bolshaya and Malaya Neva, Bolshaya, Srednaya and Malaya Nevka, channels and small rivers framing the Islands, as well as the Gulf of Finland.
St. Petersburg began with the Petrogradsky district, with the construction of the Peter and Paul fortress on Zayachy island. And, to be precise, with the construction-simultaneously with the laying of the fortress-of a small wooden frame, a temporary home for the Emperor himself-the House of Peter, preserved to this day as a landmark. Peter and Paul fortress was built as a defensive structure, but very soon lost its original purpose.
Initially, Peter I assumed that the first district of the city would be the administrative center. With the transfer of the center to Vasilievsky island, here began to build industrial enterprises, and later apartment houses. The area is gradually becoming a favorite place of the St. Petersburg aristocracy-there are expensive mansions, expensive shops.
At the moment, the main avenues, which are also the main shopping streets - Kamennoostrovsky and Bolshoy. Interesting and diverse architectural appearance of the district. There are a lot of mansions and houses, a very peculiar architectural monuments - House towers, House Kabala, Home of the Duke of Leuchtenberg, Dom Ehrlich , the Cooperman House, the Mansion of Matilda Kshesinskaya and others.
The main attractions of the district - Peter and Paul fortress, Kamennoostrovsky and Elagin Palaces, respectively, Kamennoostrovsky and Elagin Islands, Cruiser Aurora, Kronverk, Cathedral Mosque, Prince Vladimir Cathedral, St. John's monastery, Novo-Nicholas Palace. This is not the whole list. < / p>
In the Central district about 30 museums - Museum of history of St. Petersburg Peter and Paul fortress, artillery Museum, Museum of political history, Museum of S. M. Kirov, the Museum of entertaining science Labyrinthum, Museum of Freud's dreams Museum of urban sculpture ( Workshop Anikushin), House Museum Shalyapin Memorial Museum of A. S. Popov, the Yelizarov's apartment Museum, the Museum of history of photography, the Museum of gramophones and phonographs V. I. Drabkina, glass Museum, toy Museum, Museum of "Art fans". and others.
On the territory of the district are located - one of the oldest in Russia Botanical garden named after Peter the Great on Aptekarsky island, St. Petersburg Zoo, Planetarium. Among the cultural institutions-the theater "Baltic House", the theater " Russian Enterprise.A. Mironova", St. Petersburg Music Hall, the main building and pavilions of the Studio "Lenfilm".
Parks and gardens of Petrogradsky district-Alexander Park, Central Park of Culture and Recreation, Primorsky Victory Park with the largest amusement Park in the city "Divo-Island", Park "Quiet rest" on Kamenny island, Lopukhinsky garden, Mytninsky garden, Pushkarsky garden, Oranienbaum garden, Petrovsky garden, Vyazemsky garden, Matveevsky garden, composer Andrei Petrov square.
In Petrogradsky district there are-stadium "Petrovsky", sports and concert complexes "Jubilee" and "SIBUR arena", stadium "Gazprom arena", stadium "Dynamo".
Higher educational institutions of Petrogradsky district - St. Petersburg state electrotechnical University, St. Petersburg state chemical and pharmaceutical University, the First St. Petersburg State medical University.AK.Pavlova, Nakhimov naval school, branch of the Russian state University of Justice, ITMO University, Boris Eifman dance Academy.
Research institutes of Petrogradsky district-Botanical Institute. V. L. Komarova, M. p. Bekhtereva Institute of human brain, Institute of applied astronomy, Mathematical Institute. L. Euler, research center Spbgmu them.AK.Pavlov, Institute of pulmonology at Spbgmu them.AK.Pavlov, research Institute of influenza, research Institute of childhood infections, research Institute of experimental medicine, research Institute of epidemiology and Microbiology.Pasteur, Institute of radiation hygiene. prof. Ramzaeva, St. Petersburg research center for environmental safety.
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