Botanical garden in St. Petersburg
If you come to St. Petersburg to get acquainted with the city and live in one of the apartments in the Petrogradsky district or in the center, we highly recommend you to visit one very interesting object.
On the Petrograd side there is a Botanical garden — one of the oldest Botanical gardens in Russia. It belongs to the Russian Academy of Sciences, and administrative-Botanical Institute named after V. L. Komarov.
It was created by the decree of Peter I of February 11, 1713 on crow island as a pharmacy garden (or vegetable garden) to maintain pharmacies. Later the island was renamed as the pharmaceutical. Such gardens began to be created under Mikhail Fedorovich.
The garden actively developed, the territory gradually expanded, new buildings were built. It was a Museum, a greenhouse and a research center at the same time. Scientists-travelers constantly replenished the Fund of the Museum and it was the only Museum in Russia with such unique collections. The greenhouse gradually gathered plants from all over the world and she could also be proud of their unique specimens. The garden gathered material and gradually became a platform for research. Alexander I paid great attention to the Botanical garden and when he garden was renamed the Imperial. Plants for pharmacies continued to grow, but the main activity of the garden was scientific activity. Classes for students and gardeners were held in the garden. Under Nicholas I, the cultivation of herbs for pharmacies stopped, and stopped classes for students. The main activity of the garden was research. In 1913, in the year of the bicentennial of the garden, it was named after Peter the Great.
Unfortunately, during the great Patriotic war, the garden was almost completely destroyed. Most of the plants died, only a small part survived. After the war, greenhouses were restored, new buildings were built from surviving photographs and a much larger collection was assembled. A very important role in the restoration was played by its Director Sergei Sokolov. Now the garden covers an area of about 1 hectare and has 26 greenhouses. Exhibitions and excursions are constantly held in the garden.
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